Friday, February 8, 2013


Have you ever considered how the amount of money that is being taken from you in the form of tax dollars to finance the war on drugs? The number of citizens jailed and deemed unfit for society, due to the legality of the cannabis plant is outstanding. The cost of arresting and housing these criminals is expensive process, which is paid for with the tax dollars of other hard working citizens. Currently the government is losing out on a very profitable tax because the drug is illegal, and only sold on the black market. If the government agreed to the legalization of the drug, marijuana cigarettes could be a multi-billion dollar industry. We all know tobacco cigarettes are highly profitable. It can be argued that regulated marijuana would be much safer than tobacco, and especially the different types of the drug currently on the black market ( Yes, I am aware that there are health hazards that must be considered with the legalization of the marijuana. We’ve all seen the televised recalls due to fatal side affects from legally prescribed and over the counter drugs. With that said, if we can legalize marijuana our government can control revenue along with taxation. This would also give farmers the power to not sale to government if taxes are too high, no pun intended. Weather you support this drug or not, you can't deny the benefits that would be generated within our economy. Cannibas would be an American that needs no import from other countries. All those in favor of financial and economic growth, get involved; vote and support Initiative 502. Here is a link to help further explain what is happening right under our noses: (

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